Slush Rush


There are all kinds of models: diagrams, drawings, miniature versions of objects, and more. One popular kind of model is a computer model. In this Mind Game, you'll use a computer model to run your own inter-stellar slush business!


In this game, you're in charge of an outer space slush stand, and thirsty alien customers are on the way.

You'll be asked to make some important business decisions: how much liquid to buy and how salty or sweet to make your slushes.

Pay close attention to the ship showing each alien customer type. They help you figure out whether it makes sense to fill your blender with extra salt, sugar or magnetic particles.

When you make all your decisions, click GO and you'll watch the customers line up, one by one.

At the end of each round, you'll get a sales report. If you made more money than you spent, you'll move on to the next round.

Play the game all the way through to the end and see if you get better at understanding your strange alien customers.


What kinds of strategies did you use in this game? How did your recipe change from round to round? Were there times when it was difficult to make every customer happy?

This game may seem really silly, but are there any ways that it's like life? In what ways could real businesses use models like these?

If you've got your Case Journals, answer the questions in it now!