Power Play


A power source can't do any work unless you know how to tap into it. In this Mind Game, you'll hook up a machine that can harness the energy of some basic power sources and turn it into something really useful!

Ready? Go to the activity now!


What to Do:

On the far left side of the screen, you'll see a bunch of pictures of different power sources.

On the far right side of the screen, you'll see pictures of different jobs that you want to get done.

Your mission is to get the jobs done using the power sources on the left. To do that, you'll have to build machines by connecting the pieces in the middle.

Start by clicking on the power source you want to use.

Then, in the next column over, click on the part that BEST fits that power source.

In the next column, click on the part that BEST connects to the next part.

Keep going until you've finished building your machine. If you're right, you?ll see your job get done!

Repeat this with the other power sources.

Finished? On to the debriefing!


Would it be possible to get some of these jobs done using machines with fewer parts? How?

Think about a machine you use every day. Where does its power come from? What's the first part of the machine the power goes into? How many steps do you think it takes to make the machine do its job?

If you've got your Case Journl, go answer the questions in it now!